Happy New Year Everyone!
Doesn’t Christmas fly by? Here we are in another New Year, and all we can say is what a year 2016 was for Bristol Childrens Contact Services. We have seen our busiest year since launching in 2013 with a record number of children and families supported by our organisation. Our staffing has increased and will continue to do so to allow us to reach as many families as possible.
2017 will be an exciting year for us here as we are planning a complete relaunch with a new name and a new website. We will be changing the name to Childrens Contact Services, allowing us to expand to new parts of the country and help so many more families. What we have achieved in Bristol and local areas has been fantastic and we now want to role that out further across the country. There are so few organisations like us that we feel this is the right thing to do to help as many families as we can moving forward. We have staff that are so dedicated to helping us grow the business there is no limits to the support they will offer. We want to be the first point of contact for families, organisations, and family law solicitors. We will cater the support required based on the needs of the family and do all we can to provide the highest level of support. The new website will make us accessible to a much wider audience and as you can see will be packed full of help, hints, and tips.
As always, we are thankful for the ongoing support from our staff, organisations and yourselves. We are always contactable at info@childrenscontactservices.com for any help of advice you may require.
We will update you soon with how everything is going J