Handover Services

//Handover Services

Handovers can take place in the community or at our Centre and are set up through the normal referral process.

Parents do not have to meet as the handover will be done by our specialist team of contact supervisors. The non-resident parent will then take the child out of the centre for the duration of the visit, bringing them back to the centre afterwards. If a community handover is required, it may be possible for the child to be picked up from and then taken back to another mutually agreed venue.

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Handovers help reduce conflict between separated parents in front of the child.

Handovers can take place at one of our Centre’s or in a suitable community location.

Professional support with child handovers can help reduce a child’s anxiety related to parent’s conflict.

Professional support with child handovers can help the progression to independent contact.

To make an online referral please